Jade Films & Entertainment, LLC
is the trademark holder & owner of
Deaf Talent® & #DeafTalent®
Timeline for The Inception of the
Deaf Talent® Movement since 2012
Deaf Talent® Campaign
Follow the Movement
Int. Cl.: 41 #DEAFTALENT® - Registered on May 25, 2021 (Reg. number: 6,366,464)
(Education, Entertainment, Sports, & Culture)
Int. Cl.: 41 DEAF TALENT® - Registered on May 18, 2021 (Reg. number: 6,355,606)
(Education, Entertainment, Sports, & Culture)
Int. Cl.: 25 #DEAFTALENT® -Registered on July 28, 2020 (Reg. number: 6,115,182)
Note: If you have been misusing our trademarks without our permission, your content/account will be removed or suspended. Now is the time to remove it. If you do not understand how trademark works, talk to an IP lawyer.
1) To use #DeafTalent® or Deaf Talent® Trademarks, please contact us at trademark@jadefilm.com .
2) There’s a fee for all individuals per year to advertise/market their Businesses: Licensed trademark must be IMPRINTED on Event’s flyers, postcards, on your videos or PSAs and post on Social Media with your name. Required licensing agreement form.
3) The #DeafTalent® Trademark may not be posted any where on your social media pages. Depending on your usage, please contact us at trademark@jadefilm.com for the prices.
4) There’s a fee for all Educational Institutions/Nonprofit Organizations per year to advertise/market their Businesses. Licensed trademark must be IMPRINTED on Event’s flyers, postcards, on your videos or PSAs and post on Social Media with your school or organization's name. trademark@jadefilm.com for the prices.
5) The #DeafTalent® Trademark may not be posted any where on your social media pages. Depending on your usage, please contact us at trademark@jadefilm.com for the prices.
6) There’s a fee for all Corporate Entities per year to advertise/market your Businesses/Deaf Ecosystem/Events/PSAs, etc. Licensed trademark must be IMPRINTED on Event’s flyers, postcards, on your videos or PSAs and post on Social Media with your business name.
Required licensing agreement form.
The #DeafTalent® Trademark may not be posted any where on your social media pages. Depending on your usage, please contact us at trademark@jadefilm.com for the prices.
1) The #DeafTalent® Trademark may not be used in any print/online publication, online news or media publications, unless a licensing agreement can be arranged with the owner.
2) The #DeafTalent® Trademark may not be used or associated with other words such as Black, LGBTQ, Latinx, POC, Native, Queers, DeafBlind, or any other words, etc., unless a licensing agreement can be arranged with the owner.
3) The #DeafTalent® Trademark cannot be used on any social media group page, google page, or anywhere on your social media profile page.
4) The #DeafTalent® Trademark cannot be used to advertise, market, exploit, commercialize to sell clothing or goods.
5) #DeafTalent® Trademark cannot be used for fundraisers unless you are licensed.
6) CELEBRITY BRANDING: The #DeafTalent® Trademark cannot be used as an endorsement for their brand, unless a licensing agreement can be arranged with the owner.
7) The #DeafTalent® Trademark may not be used for Education, Training, Sports and Entertainment Services, unless a licensing agreement can be arranged with the owner.
8) The #DeafTalent® Trademark may not be used when you choose a domain name for your website. You should avoid trademark infringement.
If you're using our IP materials, you could get sue, please seek permission.